Laser Hair Removal

Why Shaving is Harmful for Your Skin

June 19, 2016

Let’s face it. There are very few methods to easily remove your unwanted body hair that are painless and safe, with long-lasting results. Shaving is commonly perceived as the quickest and least painful option to achieve these results. But how safe is shaving and is it really the most best...

Myths on Laser Hair Removal for Dark Skin

May 17, 2016

While there are many tales online about how people with dark skin cannot get laser hair removal, we want you to know that this is a myth. Our first quick tip? Don’t believe everything you read on the internet. Our second? Understand that results vary between everyone when it comes to laser...

How to Prepare for Laser Hair Removal

May 15, 2016

Are you on the fence, thinking about getting laser hair removal? Are you about to have your first laser session? Or have you had laser treatments before, and are thinking of continuing your treatments? No matter where you are in the process of considering or experiencing laser hair removal, prepping...

The End to Suffering From Ingrown Hairs

April 28, 2016

Ingrown hairs aren’t uncommon – simply put, these are hairs that have grown right into the skin. The fact is, most of our skin actually contains hair follicles, even in those areas that feel smooth to the touch. For men and women, areas of the body that have been shaved are far...

Getting Your Body “Bikini Ready” For Summer

April 25, 2016

As summer approaches, getting that “bikini ready” body becomes more and more of a priority. For some, that perfect bikini line is important for both physical appearance and personal esteem. But the real challenge arises when its time to decide how to do it – effectively, and with...

Treatment Options for Folliculitis

April 14, 2016

Folliculitis is considered an inflammatory condition, which affects the hair follicles. Physically, it appears in the form of a small, reddish, tender bump usually surrounding a hair (follicle). It’s a condition where a few follicles, or hundreds of follicles, may be affected, situated...

You Deserve to Look Beautiful

March 25, 2016

How many times in your life have you been bothered or irritated by unwanted body hair? How often do you wonder whether or not you should be doing something else less painful than waxing, plucking or as time consuming as shaving? With the latest and most advanced technology available to clinics and...

Not All Laser Hair Removal Clinics Are The Same

March 18, 2016

Some people say that they do not care where they go for their beauty treatments. Some go to a random store in the mall to get their nails done, or shop at a discount store for some beauty products. But when it comes to laser hair removal, you should always choose your laser hair removal clinics...

What To Expect After Laser Hair Removal

February 29, 2016

Laser hair removal has become one of the most popular procedures for removing unwanted body hair. It has become the ideal alternative to waxing, shaving, and a variety of other traditional options. But although technology advances have greatly improved the procedure and results, great care should be...

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