
What is a TriFractional Subletive Treatment?

December 28, 2016

At IGBeauty, we’re constantly updating our service offerings to ensure we’re providing the latest technologies to help our clients skin in the most innovative and effective ways possible. We are always on the hunt for the newest and most effective technologies, products, and techniques....

You Deserve a Gift from Yourself as well This Holiday Season!

December 24, 2016

Life coach and award-winning author Vironika Tugaleva once said, “Learning to love yourself is like learning to walk—essential, life-changing, and the only way to stand tall.” Life can be challenging, and sometimes we can get so caught up in helping others, that we forget to help...

Laser Hair Removal for Men is a Great Christmas Present

December 22, 2016

Sometimes men can be the hardest ones to choose a gift for. You’ve done socks, sports equipment, and tickets to concerts or sporting events. But are those things they really need? Oftentimes, women are quick to take care of their skin and book the treatments that help them most. Men can...

Causes and Treatments of Acne

November 24, 2016

There are infinite causes of acne that for almost anything you do, eat, or put on your face. Simply put, there are many things that could make you break out. The first and foremost cause of acne is hormonal. A lot of younger girls and boys will experience acne breakouts in their youth. This is...

Facial hair - Causes and Treatments

November 21, 2016

It is not uncommon that you will find women and men going above and beyond to remove unwanted facial hair. It begins with tweezing one or two hairs, and ends up with monthly visits to the spa for waxing or threading. There are so many different ways that women and men can remove unwanted hair these...

What is Cellulite and How to Get Rid of it

November 18, 2016

Cellulite is a common occurrence that will happen to roughly 90% of women in their lifetime. The reason it is so common is because it is nothing more than normal fat cells beneath the skin. Cellulite gives a bumpy and dimpled appearance on the skin because the fat cells are being pushed against the...

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