
What To Expect At The First Laser Hair Removal Session

March 25, 2017

Today, with the newest technologies in laser hair removal, the “hair-free” option is available to men and women alike. Much different than the older, traditional hair removal techniques, laser hair removal is virtually pain-free and much lower maintenance than anything comparable. This is particularly true for women who had to endure the consequences of hair removal before clinics started using state-of-the-art devices. 

Candidates with darker hair and fair skin are more ideal for laser hair removal, although today’s sophisticated lasers are much more versatile than in previous years. Essentially, the idea behind laser hair removal is to kill the root of the hair follicle, one treatment at a time, over a number of clinic visits. After a prescribed number of treatments, the hair root simply doesn’t grow back, and consequently the hair stops growing.

Needless to say, laser hair removal is a procedure that requires a professional. The technology is complex and the treatment protocol requires expertise. The best results transpire with a clinician who has the necessary know-how and in-depth experience. Because of the nature of the laser, it’s not an entirely painless procedure, but it’s far more comfortable than waxing. Treatment time is short, with no recover time needed.

Patients soon discover that there is some hair growth after a few weeks, but nothing substantial. With regular appointments scheduled to suit the patient, it takes about six visits throughout the course of the year to be permanently hair-free. As for costs, this will vary depending on the part of the body – whether facial hair, bikini line, or both legs. What’s most important is not to shop around for services solely on price.

A reputable clinic is always a preferred option when it comes to laser hair removal. This is where technicians will be well trained and highly experienced. It’s also an environment where patients are properly cared for in a professional manner, and offered expert advice as to the most suitable treatment options, and the best skin care products. Professionals also ensure higher standards of clinic hygiene, sterility, and safety.

The LightSheer® Duet™ Technology

LightSheer® Duet™ has proven itself to be a most effective procedure in permanently stopping hair growth. With a professional treatment, many patients also experience additional benefits beyond the hair removal. For example, there’s often reduced severity of ingrown hairs, and noticeable rejuvenation of the skin. In some patient cases, laser hair removal can also fade out skin pigmentation and reverse areas of sun damage.

Likely the most important aspect of laser hair removal is to choose an established, well respected clinic. It’s essential that the staff is fully licensed, and continually upgrading their skills, as well as their cosmetics education. The better clinics offer the latest in technology, along with skin care products that can contribute to better skin care throughout the year. Finally, there’s nothing that can compare with great advice from experts who know.

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