
Get Rid of Wrinkles

March 19, 2016

It is no secret that many of us want to reduce any signs of aging on our skin, especially on areas that are most visible, most commonly, our faces. So, what is the best solution to reducing or reversing signs of aging, you might ask? At IG Beauty, we specialize in skin care for women and men, both young and mature. Through different approaches to skin care that reduce wrinkles and fine lines, IG Beauty provides an effective treatment, the Collagen Induction Therapy, for those who want to reverse any signs of aging. If you are interested on how collagen therapy works, what you can do to speed up the process between sessions, and how this treatment can be beneficial to your skin, then this article is for you!The Collagen Induction Therapy is one of the newest and effective solutions for reversing signs of aging. The Collagen Induction Therapy stimulates collagen on the treated areas on your skin, which in turn induces and creates tighter looking and feeling skin. The stimulation not only helps to tighten the skin, but it can also reduce the look of fine lines, wrinkles, reduction in pore sizes, acne scarring and more.

While the device is treating the designated area on your skin, it is working as a force to produce new skin cells all while it removes dead skin cells at the same time. It is a rejuvenation system on the skin that will undoubtedly reverse signs of aging, as well as any other imperfections you may have. Each session at IG Beauty takes up to 1-1.5 hours depending on the size and severity of the skin you wish to treat. Throughout the collagen therapy session, the device also injects moisture into your skin, making it easier for the stimulation to occur.

At IG Beauty, we suggest, depending on your skin type and issue, that clients attend between 2-6 sessions. So what you can do to speed up the process between treatments? Our main tip is to hydrate the skin thoroughly and moisturize constantly. Clients should avoid too much direct sunlight following their treatments, as the newly rejuvenated skin on the exterior can be quite sensitive. The collagen therapy stimulation lasts for a while between sessions, but is most effective between treatments for those who maintain a proper skin care regimen catered to their skin type and specific areas of treatment.

There are so many more benefits to this skin therapy than some may know. For example, the treatment does not only have to be used on fine lines on the facial area, but can also be used on the neck and chest. It can also be used to effectively reduce the appearance of stretch marks, scars, hyper and hypopigmentation on your skin and more.

The treatments really are amazing, and they can effectively transform the way you feel about your body and skin, making anyone more confident in their own body. For more information regarding the Collagen Induction Therapy, and how you can reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and more, visit our website,, or call to consult with a skin care professional, 647-764-7490.

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