
4 Types of Laser Treatments for Acne Scars

December 18, 2018

You have finally cured your acne, but now dark spots and tissue scars all over your face serve as a constant reminder of past breakouts and years spent fighting the issue. In this case, you may want to investigate a variety of laser treatments for acne scars offered at IGBeauty Laser & Skin Clinic.

To this day, laser scar removal remains the most effective way of treating all types of post-acne scarring, from post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (“dark spots”) to icepick and boxcar scars, to deep rolling scars. And when the advanced technology is combined with skills and expertise of laser technicians at IGBeauty, acne scars don’t stand a chance!

4 Different Types of Laser Treatments for Acne Scars

Laser treatments for acne scars from IGBeauty Studio | TorontoWhile dark spots may be treated topically, deeper indented or hypertrophic scars often require a more radical solution. Here, laser treatments for acne scars come to the rescue. Lasers use intense and focused monochromatic lights in order to stimulate collagen production in deep layers of your skin, and therefore smooth out the skin texture. The recommended type of laser treatment will depend on your skin condition, as well as the type and severity of your scarring.

1. Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Photofacial

Lumenis® IPL, also known as IPL Photorejuvenation or IPL Photofacial, is a quick “lunch-time” procedure that fights acne bacteria, skin redness, and post-acne hyperpigmentation - all in a single treatment.

IPL technology uses controlled light pulses that trigger a biochemical response in the skin. As a result, the acne bacteria in the pores are destroyed, and the condition of both active acne and acne scars is improved. After just a few sessions, you will notice a significant effect on the overall appearance of your skin.

IPL is suitable for various skin types and conditions, and the best part about it is that it has no side effects and requires no downtime.

2. Lumenis® ResurFX™

Lumenis® ResurFX™ is a non-ablative 1550nm wavelength skin resurfacing technology that is proven to be both safe and effective in treating acne scars. Not only does it successfully target and minimize scarring, but it also protects the surrounding skin at the same time. This advanced laser system allows for successful treatment of all types of acne scars, which may appear in a variety of sizes, shapes, and density.

3. Lumenis® Photofractional™ 

Lumenis® Photofractional™ offers excellent results with a wide range of skin conditions, including active acne and scars associated with it.

Photofractional treatment incorporates two technologies, IPL and ResurFX™, and combines the benefits of both: while IPL technology removes undesirable skin pigmentation and blood vessels, the ResurFX™ laser stimulates collagen production in the deep layers of skin.

The result? Reduced appearance of acne scars and radiant, rejuvenated skin.

4. CO2 Laser Treatment

In this highly effective treatment, the fractional CO2 laser is used to make microscopic holes within your skin, thus facilitating collagen production in this area and smoothing out acne scars. This laser is normally used to only treat the affected areas of the skin, leaving the surrounding areas untouched.

What You Should Know about Laser Acne Scar Treatments

There are several important points you should understand before undergoing laser treatments for acne scars:

1. Laser does not get rid of acne scars, but rather significantly improves the skin appearance.

Do not expect your acne scars to vanish for good after the laser treatment. However, the treatment will make them much less noticeable - in many cases, the skin will look like the scars aren’t there at all.

2. The treatment outcome will depend on the skills of your laser technician.

To get optimal results, make sure that the person performing your treatment is skilled and experienced. Luckily, all of the laser technicians at IGBeauty Laser & Skin Clinic are true experts in laser treatments for acne scars.

3. Always go for a consultation.

During a free consultation at IGBeauty, our professional laser technicians will assess your skin type and condition, your overall health, as well as severity and type of scarring in order to develop a personalized treatment plan. They may also need to know your medical history and what supplements and oral medications you take.

4. Avoid the sun.

Getting your skin tanned after laser treatment can cause serious discoloration. Therefore, it is important to limit the sun exposure prior and after the treatment. Furthermore, avoid the sun following the laser session in order to prevent further scarring.

5. You may need to change your lifestyle.

For optimal results, you may need to make a few lifestyle changes, such as quit smoking or discontinue certain medications and skin care products that might delay the healing process.

6. You may require multiple treatments.

In some cases, the skin care specialist at IGBeauty Laser & Skin Clinic may combine two or more treatments for scar revision. For example, laser treatments for acne scars may be combined with dermal fillers.

7. Results take time.

Not only may you require multiple sessions to achieve the best results, but it can be weeks or even months before you see improvement. It all depends on your skin type and the severity of scars on your face.

Look Flawless with Acne Scar Treatments from IGBeauty Laser & Skin Clinic

As annoying as breaking out may be, acne scars left behind are the real trouble. While minor skin discoloration often fades away with time, more serious “craters” or loss of tissue may upset you for years to come.

The good news is that with a variety of laser treatments for acne scars offered at IGBeauty, you can forget about scarring, and enjoy your smooth, flawless skin again!

Visit for more information, or give us a call at 416-484-4884 to book a free consultation.

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